People stop hating when he says your choice use his technique for cooking and branch off on your own from it. The man returned the 3 star Michelin he had wanted the freedom from it. He trained the ass kicker Chef Ramsay and others as well. He's worth $40 million. And has to pay out money to keep on doing……
Today Im going to make a Speciality Ragu. 15 20 minutes very simple. First I'm going to snort the Knorr Stockpot like a gram of cocaine. This is very important but it's entirely your choice.
Only 20 min, its very simple.. Well: minced meat- 10 min to mince it, bread soaked in milk- at least 20 min, fried onion with garlic- around 8 min, tomato sauce- around 10-15 min, and of course put your prepared meat into the fridge for at least 4-5 hours. All together gives around 4 min, like on the video.
I live in China and I bought a bag of Knorr Chicken powder or something. My Chineses is limited – I can speak basic stuff but my reading sucks because I'm lazy. But this bag of chickeny powder actually works.
This man is in my opinion the best chef on earth. He still cooks wonderful food here, simple as it is. He has amazing taste, can you see one of the French Michelin Star chefs doing this…………
With all respect traditional Greek meatballs are made from minced beef or veal. For spicing we use fresh peppermint in the mixture. The mixture has wet bread ( with milk or water) and then squeezed, egg(s), minced beef or veal, some fresh chopped peppermint leaves,pepper,salt. Personally i add a sip of ouzo.
I'd go oregano and thyme instead of parsley. Plus I'd have some lemon zest in there somewhere. And some olives for garnish. But that's my choice, isn't it? Bastards
I've made this dish like a hundred times and it is still amazing! The only thing that really does not fit is the coriander. Coriander is not used in greek cuisine, never was!
i am so used to him speaking philosophically about cooking that when he said "to make a meatball" i automatically thought he was gonna followup with "you must become the meatball"
We see so many double yolk eggs in life but not twins being born out of an egg! Does one eventually absorb and use the other to grow? I can't be the first to of wondered this!
Our Lord of cooking!!! Just a notice, in Greek we don't have any traditional plate with coriander but still a delicious touch. Thanks again for your knowledge!!!
This recipe is a winner, usually greek style meat dishes are lamb or a mix of lamb and beef so it has a different subtle flavour than pork, with tomato and feta this would be absolutely fucking delicious.
Within 30 seconds I'm sold. Think of Britain. Think of lamb. Or, think of anything as you do. It's your choice. By the way. The secret to a good meatball is to not work it so much. Put your meatball on unemployment. Collect its benefits. The benefit of a perfectly cooked meatball.
He has such a big nose. It’s not actually his choice.
Really looking forward to seeing how he manages to shoehorn a Knorr stockpot in to this one…
w h o i s h e t a l k i n g t o ?
Some cook a little faster than others, its their choice.
I feel like the knife just knows to not cut Marco.
It’s simple. It’s my choice. I’m off to maccies
As a child I liked bubbles in my bath. But if I’m honest, Knorr rich beef stock cube just works better.
I always knew this dude’s balls were full of stockpot.
For once I'd like him to say "this dish is very complicated; an idiot like you probably won't be able to make it."
Double yolker.
with knorr aromat
Not made this one yet, will add it to my to do list.
Thank you chef,
People stop hating when he says your choice use his technique for cooking and branch off on your own from it. The man returned the 3 star Michelin he had wanted the freedom from it. He trained the ass kicker Chef Ramsay and others as well. He's worth $40 million.
And has to pay out money to keep on doing……
Marco: "Use Knorr Aromat exactly the same way you would use salt"
Me: "Gotcha, use salt exactly the same way you're using Knorr Aromat"
double yolk… you know… because of the devil
3:22 you can hear him burning
Could you use Mozarella as a substitute for Feta?
"Knorr Aromat, far better than salt. You will see the dfference.."
You will see the difference when your children have 3 eyes and 1 ear.
This is true soaked bread in milk works better than breadcrumbs soaked in milk or cream
Someone help. I can't stop watching these. I haven't eaten for 2 days.
Today Im going to make a Speciality Ragu.
15 20 minutes very simple.
First I'm going to snort the Knorr Stockpot like a gram of cocaine.
This is very important but it's entirely your choice.
"use knorr aromat the same way you use the salt" = Don't buy it mate, you're good with salt lol.
Everybody loves a double yolker
whats with this guy and knorrs
I prefer to pour the Knorr aromat down my throat. Cuts out the middle man
Yiayias meatballs
I think the secret ingredient is the bread with milk…i could have guessed you were using knorr but i would never guess milk bread
The way Marco presents his dishes is just parallel to none. no wonder he's won michelin stars 0.0
Knorr… Despicable.
You know it's level 'perfection' when it's parked in the fridge. Again, it's still your choice
Imagine him cooking with chuck norris
Carl Heinrich Knorr: existed in Germany
MPW: "~norr stockcubes…"
Letter K: "Am I a joke to you?!"
Only 20 min, its very simple.. Well: minced meat- 10 min to mince it, bread soaked in milk- at least 20 min, fried onion with garlic- around 8 min, tomato sauce- around 10-15 min, and of course put your prepared meat into the fridge for at least 4-5 hours. All together gives around 4 min, like on the video.
msg bitch
Got was so
I love aromat. It’s amazing. If you haven’t tried it on fries you haven’t lived.
I would never have thought of bread in a meatball. Now I know why mine are hard and like burgers.
Who thinks he burnt himself at the end and it was edited?
tievillavollyvall , cant forget that
All morons criticising Marco are probably not able to boil an egg. So shut the fuck up!!
Knorr Aromat contains MSG. It’s simple and delicious – it’s just made of chemicals. You can cook with chemicals or not. It’s your choice.
Top it with a bit of olive oil ,your choice, or…really is there?
I'm binge watching these videos and I take a shot of vodka every time he says "It's very simple."
I've gone through half a bottle already.
I live in China and I bought a bag of Knorr Chicken powder or something. My Chineses is limited – I can speak basic stuff but my reading sucks because I'm lazy. But this bag of chickeny powder actually works.
I've ran out of Aromat because I've snorted the lot.
It's my choice
i haven't watched it yet, but i'm guessing this recipe will contain an absurd amount of olive oil
His hair will be dropped into the meatballs!
From start to finished 5-6 hours.
I would NEVER add Aromat to italian meatballs. They must be paying him a lot.
instead o knor add some thyme, oregano, mint, salt and pepper.
very simple badboy very simple
I find Ve-Tsin is better than Aromat.
This man is in my opinion the best chef on earth. He still cooks wonderful food here, simple as it is. He has amazing taste, can you see one of the French Michelin Star chefs doing this…………
5 minutes, and then 20 minutes, just 4 to 5 hours and then another 20 minutes. it’s really that simple
Very simple
Holy shit, MPW uses Aromat. What a legend!
5 min plus 4-6 hours plus 5 min plus 10 minutes = from start to finish ten fifteen minutes
This guy is awesome
Bread soaked in milk makes a world of difference compared to breadcrumbs. So much more moist. This goes for meatballs as well as meatloaf.
It’s your choice……unless it’s regarding a knorr product. You get know choice there, or Marco will find you.
Never sure if our boi Marco is gonna drop the Knorr Stockpot or Knorr Aromat. Keeping me on my toes
Parsley, not coriander. Beef and pork mince, not lamb. That's the Greek style.
I'm just here for the Knorr Aromat.
I put ice in my cereal. It's my choice.
Marco puts chicken and beef stock in his deserts
Man has a vendetta against salt
damn, not even once I had a double yolk egg.
With all respect traditional Greek meatballs are made from minced beef or veal. For spicing we use fresh peppermint in the mixture. The mixture has wet bread ( with milk or water) and then squeezed, egg(s), minced beef or veal, some fresh chopped peppermint leaves,pepper,salt. Personally i add a sip of ouzo.
No stock pot?! This recipe is total amateur hour
I liked this video. It was my choice
I'd go oregano and thyme instead of parsley. Plus I'd have some lemon zest in there somewhere. And some olives for garnish. But that's my choice, isn't it? Bastards
who is he talking to?
as a stroner listening to this while jogging, this shit made my mouth water from how he describes the art of cooking with perfection in every detail
I've never used coriander in greek food, looking forward to trying this out
Aromat is bloody awful don’t ever use it, so bad
I've made this dish like a hundred times and it is still amazing! The only thing that really does not fit is the coriander. Coriander is not used in greek cuisine, never was!
Don’t be scared to juggle my balls…
Mother nature is the chef he usually says. Before he adds Gastromat and stockpot etc
"oh…a double yolker"
Egg: sorry, chef, won't happen again chef
i am so used to him speaking philosophically about cooking that when he said "to make a meatball" i automatically thought he was gonna followup with "you must become the meatball"
We see so many double yolk eggs in life but not twins being born out of an egg! Does one eventually absorb and use the other to grow?
I can't be the first to of wondered this!
Made these with hamburger and regular salt. Delicious
Our Lord of cooking!!! Just a notice, in Greek we don't have any traditional plate with coriander but still a delicious touch. Thanks again for your knowledge!!!
16 minutes, 3,4 hours. It's your choice
One thing I'm a bit jelous about Europeans, that lamb seems to be as common as pork is to North Americans.
To be completely honest, when we see a recipe like this, we substitute with another meat due to the price of lamb.
This recipe is a winner, usually greek style meat dishes are lamb or a mix of lamb and beef so it has a different subtle flavour than pork, with tomato and feta this would be absolutely fucking delicious.
I knew he was a psycho, that explains the coriander.
Does anyone know how many kilos of knor beef stock cube Marco used to go through a week at Harveys?
Within 30 seconds I'm sold. Think of Britain. Think of lamb. Or, think of anything as you do. It's your choice. By the way. The secret to a good meatball is to not work it so much. Put your meatball on unemployment. Collect its benefits. The benefit of a perfectly cooked meatball.
daym,,id eat that
The sauce looks phenomenal.
I wish he showed how to make it. Dang.
If we're honest, I rub my balls in Aromat and stock pots. It's your choice.
uncle Marco talks about Aromat like NigelNG talks about MSG
You don´t have to moist the bread with milk. You can do it with just water. Also a pinch of black pepper is highly recommended
One small comment: Olive oil is never optional in the Greek cuisine
Muchas gracias señor marco, me quedaron ricas las albóndigas de hoy, saludos.
Total waste of oil, exact same result with a small slither
Eat this with orzo pasta