Nigella teaches us how to make one of her weekend favourites; her hearty Greek lamb stew with pasta.
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Top tier waifu right here
Where have you been!!!
Nigella dear, this can be called “inspiration of the greek lamb stew”. We don’t put celery, carrots and so much garlic in the stew. Never!!! You should add some allspice and a cinnamon stick. If you want pasta, use risoni (we call it manestra). The result will be delicious.
I admire you and your work, but as Cretan, I don’t want our recipes to be spoiled.
Greetings from Crete Greece 🥰
I bet Nigella lives very close to a fire department.
You are beautiful…
Fabulously simple and tasty. I couldn't find the recipe in Nigella Bites though!
I mean i wont call this a stew!! Offcourse there is so much water into it !! Mashes onions!! Not good idea! I would def chop onions,celery into small chops! U can add potatos, tomatos ,chickpeas whatever u like at the end its a stew! But dont add that massive amount of water! Dont forget tomato puree/paste if u r going for a red sauce stew
English cooking is not bad. How something that does not exist can be bad?🤣😂
I’ve copied Jamie Oliver and put my garlic cloves in without peeling them… Saves a lot of time and is less fiddly
this is faux greek
That 's not Greek stew 🙃That's nigellas stew , Too mashy – sorry nigella ….
A whole bottle of white wine 😍😍😍
if I don't want to use wine, what can I substitute with?
Why does Nigella look different.
The camera man is your boy friend?
Always amazes me that this woman had a show. She can’t even peel and cut properly, I was on edge watching her cut that carrot, worried she would cut her fingers off.
Tomatoes gone upside down
Oh i KNOW she did NOT just put pasta inside the stew.
I know she's quite obviously an extremely talented cook, but her lack of knife skills and hand positioning when using knives has always bothered me.
Never knew YouTube had a "sexy chef" category until now.
No no there was still one carrot in the stew … Come on Nigella I saw it all the way from Cape Town South Africa … Joke aside this looks like a most divine dish and thank you for posting …
where have you been? i love watching you cook. thank you.
I love you
will definitley try this out
Why did she remove the carrots from the final dish? What utter nonsense! (I know she ate them separately but why?)
I like nigella but uses too much alchohol in her food. A normal person would be drunkard if he ate cooking every day. I think this a persona – a person as successful as her can't be doing that. Plus she would blow up to Roseanne shape in no time.
talk less cook more
How come you can say arugula, but not orégano?! Its the same punctuation!
So, you fish the carrots out because your don’t want a school stew. But then it looks like a pile of pasta slop on the plate.
Why remove the carrots?
Liked by lulu RusbandiRusman
The WHOLE bottle of wine!!!!
Love the difference between an ego-driven chef – "This is how it must be done" – and Ms Nigella: "Don't fret about teaspoons and carrots – it really doesn't matter!" Joy.
The pub is NOT the place to find your camera operators and editors. I can't emphasize this enough
I want to come back as Nigella in my next life
Thanks for Sharing
I can literally feel through the screen how delicious that is…
I'll do what you did with the carrots next time because I also don't like the look of carrots in my stew! Haha it looks very boarding-school-dining-hall-foodish lol!
I just used up a leftover leg of lamb roast with this recipe and swapped out the wine for cherry tomatoes. It really does taste deliciously sweet!
I think the greeks use celery roots but I may be wrong
She makes some interesting things I guess this is how English people prepare food
I’d pretty much sell everything I owned
A whole bottle of wine. Um ok.
The mean priest methodically brush because thistle endogenously work toward a befitting flugelhorn. venomous, uncovered volcano
I love posh cooking just chucking everything together and then one plonks on a lid! I for one will wait for its delicious flavour while I go n get a cheeky triple cheeseburger from the McDonald's drive thru!
You are a beautiful woman
She is the sexiest women on earth! I love her. Did some digging (googling) she seems to have been abused by her Iraqi/Jew Husband. Very sad. Even rich people have problems.
She had me @" Meld and melt into that sweet stew " Yes Nigella, what ever you say Nigella 😋🤤🤌👌
This woman is incredibly annoying.
Me, dumps entire bottle of Shaw Trader Joes Two Buck Chuck in
Please tie your hair back when cooking
So competent. Such a honey.
so casual haha
1:34 "grate!"
A WHOLE bottle of wine though ..
It is very important to add WOAHTEH, not water!
Tried this, was underwhelmed
Nigella… Howzabout a little… fresh mint vs Oregano? Mint and lamb bestest of friendzies. This from an Australian.
Why doesn't she ever put salt in her meat. Seems like it would taste super bland
Just ridiculous! English will never know how to cook Mediterranean food. Gallons of olive oil, tons of garlic, tons of tomato, tons of herbs, that's the british ideia of what Mediterranean cuisine is. Cheese on a stew, how absurd this can get?
I'd love to spend my lunch time by watching her cooking from my handphone with a cup of coffee and a couple of cigarettes… Ooh, smoking!
thank you for this recipe xx
Stop the 🧢
I have made this many, MANY times! My family loves it, company loves it, it's the best stew recipe ever! Can't always afford the lamb so I use roast beef and it just as good! Thank you so much for such a wonderful recipe!
This is the recipe where I fell in love with Nigella's cooking
That is one of the best looking stews I've ever seen
so lovely!
every ingredient is super fresh, clean and lovely. so much less salt used than chefs in the USA. Chefs in the USA saturate their foods with SALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLT!
Looks good!
When was this filmed? Nigella looks about 25 years old.
One of my favorite beautiful Brits,and can cook🍜🇬🇧💃😍.
The best and most beautiful cook, apart from Delia.
beautiful, not water, always use a stock as water has no flavour.
wow, very interesting. thx
Hah ….I just Luv your promises Luv. Hahaha… awesome…hah.
I am already familiar with Cambodian dishes.What i am searching for is new dishes and new taste from foreign land….;)))))
I love stew,especially the during the cold winter months….😁
She takes it up the rear
Indeed a tasty treat to look at. The bottle of wine and stew also looked good.
Your voice is so attractive, I’m going to have my girlfriend start using a british accent 😂😂
I Can Smell It And Sniff It !
transcription please
Simply splendid my friend. Thanks
My absolute favorite food is Donna meat 🇬🇷 🇹🇷
This may or may not be good but it certainly isn't "Greek" stew.
You didn't put any salt/pepper into the pot? 😯
I've done this several times and the taste is great.
her has pretty eyes
She’s a beautiful and amazing woman
It's wonderful
The fact that I didn't try this recipe before going vegetarian is honestly one of my biggest regrets, but I still come back to the video so often because I just love everything about it, from the recipe to Nigella's presentation.
That oregano and feta cheese on top was really inspiring for me.
Those red-orange carrots look wonderful. I wish my country had carrots like those.