VIDEO: Nigella Lawson’s Homemade Spaghetti and Meatballs | Nigella Bites (Nigella Lawson Youtube)

VIDEO: Nigella Lawson’s Homemade Spaghetti and Meatballs | Nigella Bites (Nigella Lawson Youtube)

Nigella shows us how to make her rainy day favourite, homemade spaghetti and meatballs.


  1. I've never thought to make the sauce/gravy with milk before. I will have to try this. What I do however to sweeten my tomato sauce is to use Honey instead of sugar. Sometimes I will include a bit of brown sugar as well. Your meatballs look nice and petit as well

  2. I feel like if she made you something & ya were absolutely famished, she wouldn't care if you were wolfing down like a horse as long as you were enjoying it & it made her smile.

  3. wait I’m confused so this video was from 3 years ago and according to Google she’s 62 which means she would’ve been 59 back then but ??? she doesn’t look 59????? or did they film the video many years before 2018 and only posted it to YouTube in 2018 🤔 or maybe she’s just immortal and needs to drop her skincare routine cuz damn

  4. Her pantry is such mess 🤣, but I love she doesn't care to show it! Just like me ☺️, who cares if it is messy as long as we cook good food! I rather watch Nigela cook than those perfect looking shows chefs who's recipes don't work 😝🥰

  5. I like her so much more in these videos where she is natural and unforced, and not pretending that a rushed working single mother can happily make caramel late at night and forcing the whole food as sex thing.

  6. Love how italians carry on about someone not sticking precisely to a recipe lol. I've seen them argue amongst each other from province to province on adding something or not. Apparently there's no such word as variation in the Italian language 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣

  7. Ha!! I agree. I won’t make pasta…..because I lazy…..but her other ideas are very useful for me. I already do some of the things she mentions…..but I always need new/refreshing input on what u do….regarding spaghetti sauce. I do not know….and never will know… to make a little spaghetti sauce. I just cook along…..adding things, sautéed onions, herbs, jarred chopped garlic, chopped peppers…..parsley, and cilantro, can of wonderful chopped tomatoes….etc. It ends up being a conglomeration of tasty blends. So I freeze some of it…..for another day!! Thks Nigella…..for your inspiration….and your wonderful food prep ideas!!! Ahna USA

  8. sicilian here we pretty much make our tomatoe sauce the same way using sugar but we also add baking soda when it boils before adding any meat we also put a touch of sugar in our meatballs along with ricotta cheese for my calabrese husband not sure my recipe is a secret anymore as i've given it away to everyone who has had it and asked for it.

  9. … Боже, … какая красивая женщина, она… Все при ней, и интеллект, и природная красота женского тела… Дай Бог ей здоровья и многих лет жизни… Будь, счастлив муж этой умной, красивой женщины… Здоровья этой красивой, умной, обоятельной женщине… Да хранит ее Бог…. Аминь….

  10. I got the meatballs down to a science, now taught by my late Italian Father In law ! Thank you Johnny! ❤ Rightly done meatballs matter for the sauce; and cooking makes more fun as you devour them with bread dipped in sauce & a glass of vino while cooking!

  11. So wonderful having the children involved. They say you should use fresh pasta with only white sauces. That's crazy, her pasta looked so luxurious and smooth in that sauce! So elegant. And best of all the children got to see the rewards of their efforts ☺️

  12. She's amazing another Sophia lorren no matter how old she gets she will always be beautiful and youthful, lucky nigella.I've been following her for over 25 years have all her cook books 😊. Her sticky gingerbread and chocolate raspberry pav are so delicious I've been baking them for a lot of years now they never fail friends and family love them.

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